MCSSA Attributes
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Michigan County
Social Services
Vision Statement
MCSSA is representative of the people of Michigan, and to that end shall reflect the geographical, racial, cultural, ethnic, and social class demographics of the state.
What We Do
- Maintain an active liaison with various statewide organizations including the Michigan League for Public Policy, Michigan’s Children, Michigan Council on Crime and Delinquency, and Michigan Association of Counties.
- Prepare, as a statutory duty, to meet regularly with the state director of health and human services and/or their deputies and managers.
- Develop an annual list of legislative priorities for each budget year and present them to the legislature at the annual legislative conference held each March in Lansing.
- Follow regular development of the annual budget for the department and offer input through meetings with appropriations committee members and direct testimony at appropriations committee hearings.
- Publish a monthly newsletter, “Up to the Minute”, which is sent to all the members providing news articles on a wide range of topics.
- Employ a professional governmental affairs firm, The Frederick Group (TFG), and the MCSSA executive committee actively engages in working directly with legislators. MCSSA also works with the department on field policy and legislation issues.
What We Do
- Hold two annual conferences for membership:
- The Legislative Conference in April includes an opportunity for members to interact with their legislators and attend training sessions that inform and educate.
- The Annual Conference and business meeting offers additional training sessions for all members and the opportunity for networking is held in September.
- Work to continuously retain, educate, and promote health and human services boards.
- Provide a regular legislative update to all member counties listing the proposed legislation.
- Provide an orientation to new board members regarding the department and the association.
- Communicate with the boards regarding department policy changes and proposed and finalized legislation.
Who We Are
- County Department of Health and Human Services Board members
- County DHHS office directors
- Large county DHHS district managers
Did you know?
County directors are designated in Act 280 of 1939 as the executive officer and secretary to the board, and in that role are members of the statewide association to which their boards belong, making participation part of their official duties.
The mission of MCSSA is to serve residents and members by:
- Advocating a humane and effective human service system
- Identifying human service policy and legislative priorities
- Facilitating education and training opportunities for members, elected officials, and communities.
For further information contact:
115 W. Allegan St, Ste 200
Lansing, MI 48933